How are you?

Photo: Arun Sharma @theuntamed_monocle
Daily, someone asks me, "How are you?", and daily I pause before answering them. 

I pause because I am mulling through telling them the truth or telling them what they want to hear. Most days, I am not "fine" but I say I am because I have found that most days people don't want to know how you really are. They run swiftly from conversations about true wellness. 

If you tell them, "Today I am tired, emotionally and physically. I can't seem to get out of my own head and honestly I feel like I am wasting every single day of my life", they will say something generic to you like "I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better" and then they quickly change topics. 

So every day I hear, "How are you?" and I pause...and say, "I am good, how are you?" and then direct the conversation to them and their lives because I am sure they are much happier than me...right?
