The Covid-19 Diaries

March 24, 2020

Not sure what day it is for my self-induced semi-quarantine. We are not officially under any restrictions to stay home but being the germaphobic high anxiety person I am, I decided to err on the cautious side and stay in.

Let's look back and see how I got to this place.

The first week in February I went on vacation with my family to include my in-laws, my parents, my husband, and our daughter. The week prior to the trip I could feel myself trying to get a cold of some sort. But I stocked up on Emergency-C and Elderberry Gummies and self-medicated my husband, daughter, and myself. I was able to keep it at bay despite the long delays in the airport, the unplanned overnight stay at a questionable hotel, and the excessively dry cabin air on the planes.

Yet, a week after returning home, the flu hit me like a monsoon. I was also starting a new job at the end of my vacation so I was in a pretty high-stress situation between trying to be a model new employee, homeschooling our daughter, and trying not to fully express the flu I seemed to have. I started staying home other than to take my daughter to her extracurricular activities. I had to make a couple of trips out of town to take care of some family business, but other than that, I was home. I work from home and homeschool so I am naturally a homebody anyway.

Fast track, 3 weeks into my new work from home part-time job, and I finally finished my training while managing a fever. The flu was lingering like Death, himself, just waiting for me to push myself too far. But I survived to his dismay, and not only made it through training but got my certification and managed to recover from my sickness.

As all this is going on....COVID-19 began to show it's face. And slowly but surely mass panic set in. So given my high level of anxiety, I decided to just stay home all the time and send my poor husband to run all the errands.

So I am thinking that in all, I have been home (95% of the time) since at least February 11, 2020. Not sure how to classify my time "quarantined". I would like to be able to write this and say it's Day 43 of my intentional social distancing and blah blah blah.

I guess I could say that in a sense. Okay here goes.

Day 43: Social Distancing Self-Quarantine

I have never been as resourceful as I am now. Today's mission: Figure out how to use over seasoned fish in fishcakes so that we don't waste 2 lbs of flounder. In the past, I would have simply thrown it away and yes I am ashamed now to admit that.

I have a client that recently got his food stamps taken from him and my job is to help him find free food so he can have something to eat. And yet I am THAT person that would throw away 2 lbs of fish because it was accidentally over seasoned. Not today Devil, not I shall do better.

People can say horrible things about this virus going around but it has transformed me into a different person. I see things differently than I use to. I appreciate the resources I have now and find ways to preserve, stretch and protect this salty fish.

I refuse to let this fish go to waste given that food and toilet tissue is so scarce around these parts.

If I am successful, I'll share the recipe with you. Until then....
